Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday Funny

This kitty is sooooo right!  We're all purrfect just as we are.  

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!  Santa came, Santa came!!!

Sasha, Sami and I want to wish all our furriends a furry Merry Christmas!  We hope you all get extra treats and scritches today...and a nip mouse of two.  :)

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Lost and found Caturday

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!  

Check it out...I have my blanket!

This silly thing got lost for almost ever.*  Mom bean was furry surprised when she came home from chasing green papers this week and found it near the fud bowls.

I was furry happy to find it too, but I'm not telling mom bean where it was.  That's my little secret!

I'm even happier now, 'cuz the mom bean washed it and made it smell nice and feel extra soft.  

I've been taking it efurry where I go to nap.  I'm sure a happy cat!

Hope you all had a great Caturday like me!

*The blanket has been missing since sometime in September.  I searched high and low for it - and the house isn't that big.  I have no idea where it was and if Saku knew he hadn't brought it out until now.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Cozy Caturday

Hi efurrbody, Saku here!

The cat television is a bit snowy today, so it's a great day to find a cozy spot to nap.

Yawn....sorry I'm a little tired.  I had to get the mom bean up at early o'clock.  Sasha, Sami, and I were nearly starved to death!

She wasn't all that happy with me.  I don't understand why 'cuz she got up and baked banana bread, and got her coffee before the hurry hard guys were on bean television.

I'm such a good kitty!  I bet this will get me bonus points with Santa Cat!

Have a cozy Caturday efurrybody!